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A Debate on Holy Orders: "Absolutely Null and Utterly Void"...Is Apostolicae Curae Correct?
Debate: Is Apostolicae Curae Correct? (Opening Statements Only)
Debate on Holy Orders within Anglicanism: Rev. James and Noah, Moderated by Evan Minton
Apostolica Curae and Papal fallibility: A Defense of Anglican orders and critique of Rome
Pelosi, Communion, & the Novus Ordo Antichurch
Apostolicae curae | Wikipedia audio article
Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid 4of5
The Problem with Anglican Orders Michael Davies
The New Mass vs the Traditional Mass Part V The 1968 Rite of Holy Orders.
Debate on the Papacy: Scripture and the Seven Ecumenical Councils (Deacon James and Noah Edmonds)
Why I'm Not Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox: Part I | Authority
Why the New Rite of Episcopal Consecration is invalid.